

This research group, "SHIMT (Studies of Historical Insight, Method, and Thinking)," explores empirical research from the perspective of historical organization studies (HOS), new business histories (NBHs) and other adjacent fields, develops methodologies for conducting historical studies, and discusses potential opportunities for collaboration between business history and other field such as management and organizational studies, economic history.




  1. 酒井健・古瀬公博編(2022)『組織科学[特集号]組織論における歴史的アプローチのフロンティア』第55巻第4号。

The project has published as the (probably the first in Japan) special issue on historical organization studies of Soshiki kagaku / Organizational Science vol. 55 (4), an official journal of the Academic Association for Organizational Science (Print ISSN : 0286-9713), in Japanese.

  • 酒井健・井澤龍「経営・組織論研究における歴史的転回:その軌跡と針路」/ Ken Sakai and Ryo Izawa "The trail of the 'historic turn' in management and organization studies, the path forward." download

  • 長谷部弘道「レトリカルヒストリーをめぐる闘争の回避:ソニーにおける『歴史的距離 の確保』に焦点をあてて / Hiromichi Hasebe "Avoiding Conflicts over Rhetorical History: Focusing on 'Historical Distancing' in Sony." download

  • 宮田憲一「企業ドメインの歴史性:ウェスチングハウス社の企業転換に関する事例研究」/ Kenichi Miyata "The historicity of corporate domain: A case study on corporate transformation of the Westinghouse Electric." download

  • 坪山雄樹「組織ファサードの下での組織内の議論の歪み:国鉄再建計画を事例として」/ Yuki Tuboyama "Organizational facades, distorted substantive discussion, and misinterpretation: A case study of the first restructuring plan of Japanese National Railways." download

  1. 組織学会2023年度年次大会(2022年10月1日)/ The AAOS 2023 Annual Convention.

Theme経営・組織論研究における歴史的転回」/ "The historic turn in management and organization studies."

  • 酒井健「歴史的転回セッション:目的と構成」/ Ken Sakai. "historic turn session: The aim and outline."

  • 酒井健・井澤龍「長き対話の現在地と針路: 経営学の歴史的転回(Historic Turn)への招待」/ Ken Sakai and Ryo Izawa. "The current locus and the path forward in long dialogue: The invitation to the 'historic turn' of management and organization studies."

  • 長谷部弘道「『歴史語り』の意図せざる帰結への対応-歴史利用の陥穽とそこからの脱却、ソニーの事例-」/ Hiromichi Hasebe. "The response to unintended consequence of `history narration`: The trap and exit of the use of history, a case of Sony."

  • 宮田憲一「経営戦略研究と歴史アプローチ:WH社にみる企業戦略の歴史性」/ Kenichi Miyata. "Strategy research and history approach: The case of Westinghouse Electric on the historicity of corporate strategy."

  • 坪山雄樹「組織ファサードの下での議論の歪み:国鉄再建計画を事例として」/ Yuki Tuboyama. "Organizational facades, distorted substantive discussion, and misinterpretation: A case study of the first restructuring plan of Japanese National Railways."

  1. 経営史学会2022年度関東部会大会(2022年11月12日)/ The Kanto Regional Annual Meeting of the BHSJ

Theme「経営史と歴史的組織研究の『世界線』:史的研究の広がりと境界」/ "The 'world lines' of business history and historical organizational studies."

  • 井澤 龍・宮田憲一:趣旨説明と問題提起/ Ryo Izawa and Kenichi Miyata. "The aim and issue."

  • 酒井 健 :「経営学の歴史的転回,その再転回は可能か:欧米発の『トレンド』からの脱却に向けて / Ken Sakai. "Historic turn on management and organization studies, is it possible to 're' turn?: Toward moving from the 'trend' of the West."

  • 長谷部弘道:「経営者はいかに過去の「歴史語り」と対峙するか:1980年代以降のソニーを事例に」/ Hiromichi Hasebe. "How top management confronts the past 'historical narrative'?: A case of Sony after the 1980s"

  • 宮田 憲一:「WH社の企業戦略の歴史:時間軸の束としての戦略研究」/ Kenichi Miyata. "A history of corporate strategy on Westinghouse Electric: Strategy research as a nexus of timelines."

  • 井澤 龍 :「レトリカル・ヒストリーと英米日のビジネス・アーカイブズ / Ryo Izawa. "Rhetorical history and business archives in Britain, America and Japan."

  • 満薗 勇 :コメントー歴史学者の視点から/ Isamu Mitsuzono. "Comments from a historian."

  • 舟津 昌平:コメントー経営学者の視点から/ Shohei Funatsu. "Comments from a management scholar."



  • Sakai, Ken (Associate Professor, Tohoku University)

  • Hasebe, Hiromichi (Associate Professor, Kyorin University)

  • Izawa, Ryo (Associate Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University)

  • Miyata, Kenichi (Associate Professor, Meiji University)

  • Tsuboyama, Yuki (Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi University)


  • 井澤龍(2023)「アメリカのビジネス・アーカイブズと企業史料: 何を残したのか、残されているのか」Research Paper Series(東京都立大学経済経営学部・経営学研究科) No. 36。here

  • 井澤龍(2022)「イギリスのビジネス・アーカイブズと企業史料: 何を残したのか、残されているのか」Research Paper Series(東京都立大学経済経営学部・経営学研究科) No. 35。here

  • Izawa, Ryo (2020). Corporate structural change for tax avoidance: British multinational enterprises and international double taxation between the First and Second World Wars. Business History, 64:4, 704-726. here

  • Sakai, Ken (2020). Institutional change as historical confluence: The development of the nursing profession in Japan," in Mairi Maclean, Stewart R. Clegg, Roy Suddaby, and Charles Harvey (eds.), Historical Organization Studies: Theory and Applications, London, Routledge. here