This project, "CCIS (Creative and Content Industries Studies)," aims to historically explore the characteristics and the mechanisms of industry development in Japanese creative industries, focusing on the content industries and the behavior of firms.
進捗:研究成果については科研費データベースもご覧ください:第2期 here、第1期 here
Kondo, Hikaru (Junior Associate Professor, Nihon University)
Miyata, Kenichi (Associate Professor, Meiji University)
Hasebe, Hiromichi (Associate Professor, Nihon University)
[past member]
Sakamoto, Jun (Chiba University of Commerce)
Funding Support
Project title: A Business History of Media Mix on the Co-Creation Activities of the Firms: Historical Analysis of Coevolving Japanese Creative Industries
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research of JSPS (KAKENHI), Ref. 22K01681) (Apr 2022 - Mar 2026) here
Project title: A Business History of Media Mix on Corporate Diversification: A Comparative Study of Firms in Japanese Creative Industries
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research of JSPS (KAKENHI), Ref. 18K01769) (Apr 2018 - Mar 2023) here
Hikaru Kondo, Hiromichi Hasebe, and Kenichi Miyata. "Taming the creativity of piracy and fandom in Japanese cultural industries: the development of Comic Market and corporate sponsoring, 1975-2013" at the 27th Annual Congress of EBHA, July 13, 2024.
Kenichi Miyata, Hiromichi Hasebe, and Hikaru Kondo. "Financing the Creativity of Japanese Animation: Development of the Production Committee System from Akira to Evangelion " at the 26th Annual Congress of EBHA, August 25, 2023.
Hiromichi Hasebe, Hikaru Kondo and Kenichi Miyata. "Emerging a New Combination toward a Media Mix of Music and Anime: A Twist and Turn of Nippon Columbia and the Rise of the Anison Genre in the 1960s and 1990s" at the 25th Annual Congress of EBHA, June 24, 2022.
Hikaru Kondo, Jun Sakamoto and Kenichi Miyata. "Creative Technology and Co-evolution of Content Industries: Commercializing Computer Graphics in Japanese Video Game and Animation Industries" at the 2nd WCBH / the 24th Annual Congress of EBHA, September 9, 2021.
Kenichi Miyata, Hikaru Kondo and Jun Sakamoto. "Demand Pulls Capabilities in Shogakukan: Growing a Domestic Publisher into a Global Media Mixer via Manga Industry" at the 23rd Annual Congress of EBHA, August 31, 2019.
Jun Sakamoto, Kenichi Miyata and Hikaru Kondo. "The Role of Middlemen in Creative Industries as Story Sellers: Mediamixing Mobile Suit Gundam during the 1980s in Japan" at the 22nd Annual Congress of EBHA, September 7, 2018.
Hikaru Kondo, Kenichi Miyata and Jun Sakamoto. "The Development of Media Mix Strategy on Nintendo: Globalizing Pikachu through Emergent to Deliberate Strategies" at the 21st Annual Congress of EBHA, August 25, 2017.
Kenichi Miyata, Hikaru Kondo and Hiromichi Hasebe. (2025) "Emergent Dynamics of Cultural Innovation: Globalizing Pikachu through Japanese and American System, 1990-1999," Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, vol. 10 no. 2. download.
近藤光(2023)「(研究ノート)日本のクリエイティブ産業企業の成長戦略:セガサミーのケース」『千葉経済論叢 』第68号、281-300頁。
近藤光(2023)「(研究ノート)ゲームソフトメーカーの成長戦略:スクウェアによるゲーム開発とコンテンツ産業における共進化」『千葉経済論叢 』第67号、59-80頁。
坂本旬(2021)「2DCG for Labour Saving, 3DCG for New Expression : The Introduction of Computer and Digital Technology to the Japanese Animation Industry」『千葉商大論叢 』第59巻第2号、171-187頁。
近藤光(2021)「日本のゲーム産業における3D表現の展開について : 技術革新とゲームコンテンツの転換」『千葉経済論叢 』第64号、59-80頁。
近藤光(2020)「日本のクリエイティブ産業における多角化戦略 : バンダイナムコのケース」『千葉経済論叢 』第62号、103-122頁。
"Emerging a New Combination toward a Media Mix of Music and Anime: A Twist and Turn of Nippon Columbia and the Rise of the Anison Genre in the 1960s and 1990s," with Hiromichi Hasebe and Hikaru Kondo, for the 25th Annual Congress of EBHA, 2022.
"Creative Technology and Co-evolution of Content Industries: Commercializing Computer Graphics in Japanese Video Game and Animation Industries," with Hikaru Kondo and Jun Sakamoto, for the 2nd World Congress of Business History, 2021.
"Demand Pulls Capabilities in Shogakukan: Growing a Domestic Publisher into a Global Media Mixer via Manga Industry," with Hikaru Kondo and Jun Sakamoto, for the 23rd Annual Congress of EBHA, 2019.
"Development of the Nintendo Media Mix Strategy: Globalizing Pikachu through Emergent and Deliberate Strategies," with Hikaru Kondo and Jun Sakamoto, for the 21st Annual Congress of EBHA, 2017.