Personal Project




Current Personal Research Project

I am independently studying the changes of economic growth (esp. service sector) and corporate growth, focusing on the emergence of startups and conglomerate firms, the evolution of U.S. media industrial enterprises. With regard to collaborative projects, I also study the comparative history of electrical and electronics industries between the U.S., Germany, and Japan, as well as the development of Japanese content industries. These studies link to my primary research interest, "the transformation of modern business enterprises (toward neo-modern business?)," in order to explore the concept of business modernity within the histories of business and economy.  

Funding Support

(1) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Ref. 09J09283) (Apr 2009 - Mar 2012) here

(2) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  Excellent Young Researcher Overseas Visit Program  The Researcher Overseas Visit Fund (Apr 2010 - Feb 2011)

ネオ・モダン的企業成長について(Regarding Neo-modern Corporate Growth)

"Modern Corporate Growth after the Modern Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of General Electric and Westinghouse Electric, 1946-2000." In Theory and Empirical Performance: Economic Paradigm and Performance in the Long Run (18th to 21st century), edited by Dominique Barjot, Harm G. Schroeter, and Kazuhiko Yago, 131-143. Paris, France: SPM Publishing, 2022.

[update history: May. 1, 2022]




チャンドラー・モデルの変化について(Regarding a Change of Chandler's Framework)


[update history: Apr. 1, 2021]



※なお、その組織能力は、(投資の仕方が異なったりして)各企業や産業に特有のものであり、習熟組織能力(learned organizational capabilities)と呼ぶ



この見方に近い視点(i.e.国際競争への着目)から考察した経営史の著作としては、 下記のようなものがある。

